Speaking in the target language
"Languages are a fascinating subject, and also very varied: mathematical in their logic and rigor, creative in their expression."
"Los idiomas son un tema fascinante, y también muy variado: matemático en su lógica y rigor, creativo en su expresión"
MFL in KS2 and KS3
"Sólo el 3% de los centros de secundaria permiten a todos los alumnos continuar con el idioma que aprendieron en primaria"
"Only 3% of secondary schools enable all pupils to continue with the language that they learned at Key Stage 2."
Learning and teaching in an international context
"Each experience has de-Spanishised me, de-Catalanised me, ‘de-Marionised’ me and changed me with different ways of seeing the world, perceiving life and happiness"
"Cada experiencia me ha desespañolizado, descatalanizado, “desmarionizado” y me ha contagiado diferentes maneras de ver el mundo, percibir la vida y la felicidad"
Technology in the MFL classroom
"RAE is like the mother of Spanish, your children may or may not listen to her, but she sets the rules and decides what is right and what is wrong"
"La RAE es como la madre del español, puede que sus hijos le hagan caso o no, pero ella marca las normas y decide lo que está bien y lo que no"
Teaching Pan's Labyrinth in A Levels
"Pan's Labyrinth is a film based on the premise of disobedience, which is closely related to adolescence".
"El laberinto del fauno es un film que se basa en la premisa de la desobediencia, muy relacionada con la adolescencia"