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Unlimited Spanish Exam Practice for your Class

Use Estudiamos in your classroom for free by signing up to our free trial!

How Estudiamos can Support your Classroom.

Save time

with our own selection of self-marking worksheets. If you want to make your own our platform lets you create self-marking worksheets for your class in minutes!

Improve results

through unlimited exam practice for students with exam specific resources. We offer grammar, reading and translation exercises with more coming soon.

Curriculum Related Resources 

Exam board specific resources created by experienced teachers.

Reduce Learning Loss 

through class recommendations based on students results.

Find out more 

Download our product handbook and find out all there is to know about Estudiamos!


Email for more information. 

Coming soon !

We are working hard to create the perfect language learning platform and we will release a platform for schools soon.

Our Upcoming Features:


Set tasks and view results.


Use our self marking resources.


Create your own self marking resources to give your classroom a personal touch.


Classroom recommendations and analytics.


All the exam sections.

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